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About Rachel Sheree Art

Twin Vases 2010 30cm(h) x 20cm(w) x 10cm(d) Ceramics_edited.jpg
Peace in Death 2016 (side view) Approx 30cm(h) x 150cm(w) x 200cm(l) Plaster, Earth and Ce
Botanicals 297mm(h) x 210 mm(w) Acrylic Paint and Chalk Pastels on Paper_edited.jpg
Rachel Sheree Profile Pic 2 - this one.jpg

Rachel Sheree is an intuitive artist who utilises her instinct and skills to create art of natural and organic styling with a whimsical twist.

Using watercolour, acrylic paint, pastels, papercrafts and even bark, Rachel creates her paintings and mixed media projects by trusting her intuition.  Her art will often explore the natural world through trees, florals and botanicals in abstract and semi-abstract compositions.

In the past, Rachel specialised in ceramic and sculptural art, and will at times revisit these mediums in her current practice.

Rachel is a Sydney based artist with a love for travel who went from pursuing an Environmental Science degree to following her dream to become an artist, who now happens to work in libraries.  She has exhibited in both Sydney and London in both solo and group shows.

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